Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Build an Outdoor Barbeque

By designing an outdoor barbecue that is shaped like a capital “E,” the grate can be placed in the left-hand side and the right-hand side can be covered with a large paver to create a work surface. Follow these steps to build an outdoor barbecue from bricks that will serve you well for years to come.
1)Pick a spot to build an outdoor barbeque that is away from trees, fences or anything flammable.

You will need to pour a 4-inch-thick concrete foundation if you don’t have a patio that will work.
Arrange a row of bricks on the concrete base to determine the correct positioning. The barbecue should resemble a capital “E” with the legs of the “E” facing the side you will stand to cook.
Use a carpenter’s square to square all the corners.
Snap chalk lines on either side of the bricks to mark their positions.

2)Mix the mortar using 1 part Portland cement, 3 parts masonry sand and ¼ part hydrated lime.
Add enough water to give the mix the consistency of mud.

3)Lay the first course (layer) of bricks.

Spray the bricks with a garden hose to make the mortar more effective.
Use a trowel to spread a layer of mortar inside the chalk lines on the concrete base, then lay the first course of bricks on it.
Space the bricks ½ inch apart. Add mortar to the ends of each brick before setting it in place.
Check the bricks with a level and tap the bricks with the trowel’s handle to set them deeper in the mortar if they are not.
Remove any excess mortar with the side of the trowel blade.
Build up to 4 courses at the back 2 corners in the same manner as the first course.
Check to make sure the walls remain plumb.
Make sure the vertical mortar lines of the courses are staggered.

4)Fill in the rest of the walls between the corners, checking that each course is level as you go.

Butt the end of the middle leg against the back wall.
Cut the bricks, as needed, using a power saw with a masonry blade. Wear eye and ear protection.

5)Form the shelf for the fire pan when you reach the sixth course.

Turn the bricks on the left and middle legs sideways, making them overhang the edges of the wall.
Lay the bricks along the back or right-hand leg like the previous courses.

6)Add 3 more courses of bricks, and then repeat the above step to create a shelf for the grate.

7)Finish the barbecue by laying 2 more courses of bricks around the cooking areas (the left-hand leg, middle and half way across the back wall).

8)Run a 3/8-inch-diameter pipe along all the mortar lines before the mortar sets. This gives the mortar a nice, finished look as well as compacts it.

Allow the mortar to dry for 48 hours.
Slip the fire pan onto the bottom shelf and a grate on the top shelf.
Set a large paver on the top of the right-hand side to create a work surface.

Things You'll Need:

Carpenter’s square
Chalk line
Portland cement
Masonry sand
Hydrated lime
Concrete trowel
Garden hose
Power saw with masonry blade
Eye and ear protection
3/8-inch-diameter pipe
Fire pan

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