Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Be a Successful Competitive Griller

Competitive grilling may seem far-fetched, but it is actually a fun, wholesome, and delicious competition that can fetch big prizes.

1)Find the right recipe. You can find recipes almost anywhere! Start by looking in cookbooks, simply because their recipes are tested countless times. After testing any or all of the recipes, select your favorite and hand-write or type it, making sure it is kept in a safe place. After that search the Internet. You'll be certain to find thousands of recipes there! Pick your favorite, and copy it with the other recipe. Finally, find one good recipe simply by word of mouth. These are often the best recipes around! Write it with the others, and then pick your favorite and go with it!

2)Mix your recipe up. Your recipe should be unique, so add or take away any ingredients based on what you like and don't like. Nothing is off limits! Soda, orange juice, soy sauce -- whatever you want. Test, test, and test again! You may hate pepper sauce, but it may compliment the meat and make it better than you could have imagined! Don't be afraid to go outside the lines.

3)Now that you have your recipe perfected (and written down), it's time to perfect your cooking method. Use five minutes on each side as your start time, then tweak the amount until you have the desired effect. Your meat should be juicy, not dry, and tender, not tough.

4)Be safe! If you are in a competition in which you are judged by safety, it is even more important than ever. It's helpful to have a full box of latex, non-powdered, disposable gloves on hand. Change gloves after every operation. Also, a box of wipes are important to have on hand. Any time you find yourself just standing around, go on and wipe off your workspace. Bring two of every utensil -- one for raw meat and one for cooked.

5)Let multiple people taste the meat. Bring meat wrapped in aluminum foil to neighbors, family members, and friends, and ask to hear their opinions.

6)Dress for the occasion. Wear an appropriately-sized apron (with pockets stuffed with towels and hand sanitizer), a cap, long pants, and closed-toe shoes. If you have long hair, be sure to have it pulled back in a low ponytail or into a hair net. Nails should be kept short and neat.

7)Be patient. Bring a chair to sit in and a book or magazine to keep you entertained while you wait for your charcoal to heat up and your meat to cook.


This article does require you to have a basic knowledge of grilling techniques. If you are not familiar with how to grill, please read some of the articles listed below.

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